There are many ways to start answering this question. However, in our workshop, we will start with the problem of WORK & LABOR. What we do with our time and bodies for money, for a roof over our heads and food to eat, is arguably the most important organizing feature of social life. In fact, we could say work, labor is the very engine of social design. Social design is work. As social designers, you must consider your own attitudes and deeply-held beliefs about work: how much you work, how highly you value your work, who you work for, why you work, where you work, how you treat those who work for you, how you are treated by those you work for or with


Fig. 203

Fig. 203

Fig. 204

Fig. 204

Fig. 205

Fig. 205

Fig. 206

Fig. 206


Accomplish together an alignment of the notes, bring your maps together into one idea. Find possibilities of combining your observations in such a way you come to an idea/concept about work. Identify problems with work at DAE? Maybe you find a certain kind of flow to the work? Maybe the hierarchy of work?


<aside> 💡 Misconducting DAE is an online platform founded in 2019 by an anonymous student body group of the Design Academy Eindhoven. It was organized to bring attention to the short comings and misplacement of rules and regulations put in place at their campus. These rules and regulations were conspicuously created by a hierarchy that is invisible to and unaware of the flow of student life at the Academy, deriving form the fact that they do not have their work place at the Design Academy in Eindhoven, many of which do not even live in Eindhoven, and so spend as little time as possible at the campus. With this organization, the group is hoping to give more power to the student body in decision making. Fig. 207-214


Fig. 207

Fig. 207

Fig.  208

Fig. 208

Fig.  209

Fig. 209

Fig.  210

Fig. 210

Fig.  211

Fig. 211